How your jewellery can tarnish:

🌷Exposing the items to moisturisers, perfumes, soaps, oils, chlorine, salt water and/or cleaning chemicals.

🌷Frequently dampened or submerged in water for long periods of time.

🌷Exposure to direct sunlight for long periods of time.

🌷 Toxins / chemicals from your skin.

    To keep your jewellery clean:

    🌷 Allow perfumes, moisturisers, deodorants, make up and any other chemical products to dry before wearing your jewellery.

    🌷 Remove your jewellery when exercising, sleeping, cleaning, entering water or steam rooms.

    🌷 Store your items in a cool dark place. Such as, a jewellery box, pouch/bag or gift box.

    🌷Store your items in one of our Tarnish prevention bags.

    🌷 Keep your jewellery away from any moisture.

    🌷 Clean and polish your Sterling silver items with a microfibre cloth or a specialist jewellery cloth. Do not use a paper towel or tissue paper as this may scratch your jewellery. 

    🌷 You can use a soft toothbrush and warm soapy water to carefully clean your sterling silver jewellery. Pat your item dry and ensure it is completely dry before putting your items away or wearing your items. This tip is only for sterling silver items, plated items should only be cleaned using a special jewellery or microfibre cloth.